Sunday, September 5, 2010

God in the... guilt?

I was suppose to get on the elipitical yesterday.  I felt guilty for not doing it, but did not remember until after my wonderful, sweet hubby went to bed and I did not want to wake him...  I fell asleep thinking I would get up this morning before church and get on that machine, and I did not do it.  I feel guilty all over again.  Now, as I sit here at my keyboard and look at the clock... 10:28pm...  I feel guilty again.  I dont think God causes us to feel guilty - the guilt is self-serving.  God does, however, remind us of what it right and of what we should be doing.  I will get on the machine tomorrow first thing in the morning when I get up.  I dont have anywhere to go and no excuses.  I will do this, and I will feel a little better.  God just keep motivating me...  even if that motivation feels like guilt to me, and least I will be doing something...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

GOD in the motivation!

Tonight I got on the eliptical again - this time for 20 minutes.  Our machine will tell you how far you have gone, how many calories you have burned, your pulse rate...  etc.  I burned 100 calories...  that is awesome!  I am so sore from my calf up to my butt.  It was hard for me to make it passed the first five minutes, but then I decided to stop worrying about how long I was on there - and started to lift my friends and family up to The Father.  Before I knew it, I had been movin' my butt for 20 minutes.  Way to go GOD!!  Thank you for the motivation!